
cities with high-power


Your city, powered up

Imagine a city that hums, not roars. A cityscape where 100% renewable energy propels us forward, and EV charging is easier than refueling a traditional car. At JOLT, that’s the future we’re building, side-by-side with cities like yours.
After Before

Urban challenges,
electric solutions

In today’s cities, we grasp the pressing issues: climate change, noisy streets, air pollution, mobility planning, transitioning to electric transportation, managing grid constraints, and making the most of limited space. Jolt tackles all with our innovative high-power charging (HPC) infrastructure.

Technology designed for your city


Power up in minutes, not hours. Our chargers boast an impressive 98% uptime and an ultra-fast output of up to 320 kW.

Space efficient

We maximise charging power in minimal space, freeing up precious urban real estate for parks, bike lanes, or vibrant public spaces.

Rapid expansion

Forget long construction times. JOLT's innovative stations integrate seamlessly, expanding your charging network quickly.


We utilise existing infrastructure. JOLT's built-in batteries allow low-voltage grid connection and stabilise the local grid by acting as a network storage system.

Maximizing space:
Why HPC outperforms AC charging

JOLT’s ultra-fast HPC chargers dramatically reduce charging times, freeing up spots and maximising space in crowded cities. Compared to conventional AC chargers, HPC charging is 15x more space-efficient.

AC charging

10-20 EVs per charging point

DC charging

50-100 EVs per charging point
= Factor 5

HPC charging

200-300 EVs per charging point
= Factor 15

We provide customized solutions
for urban charging infrastructure

Zero investment,
maximum gain

Boost local businesses, and create a future-proof transportation network

Reduce emissions,
improve air quality

We don’t just offer chargers,
we offer a partnership

"We're your city's trusted partner for fast charging networks. With the technology, expertise, and funding, we're here to join forces with you in constructing and operating the essential fast charging infrastructure for urban electrification.“

Maurice Neligan, CEO JOLT

We guide you every step of the way

Our experts work with you to develop a customised plan for your city. We handle site analysis, permitting, financing and operation, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your citizens.